Publishers can make research work for development, but responsible business approaches are key

Press release – 21 August 2014

Publishers have a vital role in maximising access to research to support academics in developing countries – and this work is fundamental in supporting development globally. This was the key message for representatives from publishing houses and developing country universities as well as current researchers at the sixth annual Publishers for Development (PfD) conference, held in Oxford last week.

At the conference, titled “Research matters for developing countries”, delegates explored the link between research, higher education and development, the steps publishers might take to reconcile business and development needs, and the real difficulties faced by academic institutions and researchers in developing countries across the world.

A number of calls to action were issued – mentoring developing country researchers through AuthorAID, getting involved in the HE Beyond 2015 campaign and continuing to make sure resources are available in low-bandwidth environments.

Innovations explored included how targeted grants can support developing country researchers share their work internationally, expanding the practise of digitisation, librarian-led rural information outreach programmes, and the potential rejuvenation of university presses that might bring researchers closer to the publication process.

Professor John Wood CBE FREng, Secretary General of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, said: “It is clear that there are very real barriers preventing academics in the developing world from accessing vital research material. While there is no single solution, events such as the annual Publishers for Development conference, which bring together people from all sides of the debate, bring us closer to implementing practical and workable solutions. The ACU will continue to work with INASP to facilitate such discussions and drive forward this agenda.”

Lucy Browse, PfD Director, INASP added: “Very real gains have been made in terms of research access over the last 20 years – we must see this galvanised by the current and future practices of publishers with regards to responsible business approaches in developing countries. PfD brings representatives from publishing houses together with developing country colleagues so we can map the future path together – for the benefit of higher education, research and development”

Attendees were asked to consider the following questions which will be explored via PfD throughout 2014 and into 2015:

  • What role do you feel research, with the use of academic journals at its heart, has in international development?
  • What barriers remain to research access (and publication) in developing countries?
  • What are the opportunities you see for research access and publication in developing countries over the next 5 years?
  • What kind of partnerships do you think universities and publishers could make to improve access for researchers?
  • How do you believe this conference and the work of PfD helps address these issues?

Further information about the conference, including presentations, can be found on the Publishers for Development website:



1. Publishers for Development (PfD): PfD – a joint advocacy initiative of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) and the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) – was launched in 2008 as a forum for information and discussion around the importance of access to information for development. It explores some of the unique challenges developing country libraries, researchers and publishers experience, and also provides an opportunity for publishers to keep up-to-date and share what they are doing to lessen the digital divide.

2. The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU): The ACU is the world's first and oldest international university network, established in the UK in 1913. A UK-registered charity, the ACU has over 500 member institutions in developed and developing countries across the Commonwealth. Drawing on the collective experience and expertise of its membership, the ACU seeks to address issues in international higher education through a range of projects, networks, and events.

3. INASP: INASP is an international development charity working with a global network of partners to improve access, production and use of research information and knowledge, so that countries are equipped to solve their development challenges.

4. AuthorAID: INASP supports local research production through AuthorAID - a project which trains researchers in academic writing skills (and supports institutions to do the same), provides an online collaboration and mentoring platform for researchers and provides a range of resources and guidelines.

5. The world beyond 2015 – Is higher education ready?: A campaign run by the ACU which aims to raise awareness of how higher education can and should respond to global challenges ahead of the Millennium Development Goals expiring in 2015. The campaign provides an international platform for diverse voices both within and outside the university sector. Structured around six questions, the campaign has received worldwide interest, including opinion pieces and examples of how universities are having an impact on society.

6. For further information please contact: Lucy Browse, +44 (0)1865 249909, [email protected]

Higher education beyond 2015