
15 November 17
Bincy Mary George is a student at South Asian University in India, where she is studying for a MPhil/PhD in Sociology. She attended the ACU Summer School 2017, held at Bath Spa University in the UK, in August 2017. We spoke to Bincy to find out how attending the Summer School has benefitted her. What made you decide to attend the Summer School? As doctoral students we are often advised to be academically ...
15 November 17
Wong Jia Han is a student at University Tunku Abdul Rahman in Malaysia, where he studies Civil Engineering. After attending the ACU Summer School 2017 at Bath Spa University in the UK, we caught up with him to see whether the experience has had a positive impact on his studies.  Wong Jian Han receiving his certificate of attendance from Bath Spa University's (now retired) vice-chancellor, Professor Christina ...
15 November 17
Amrah Qureshi is a student at the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) in Pakistan, studying a Master's in Environmental Sciences. She attended the ACU Summer School 2017, held at Bath Spa University in the UK, in August 2017. We spoke to Amrah to find out how attending the Summer School has had a positive impact on her.  Amrah Qureshi (on the right) at the ACU Summer School 2017 final dinner ...
27 October 17
In 2017, the Special Evaluation Office of the Belgian Development Cooperation commissioned an impact evaluation of Belgian higher education cooperation, including institutional cooperation and scholarships going back as far as 2008. This evaluation has both a formative and a summative objective. The formative component of the evaluation analyses the extent to which impacts of higher education cooperation are evaluable with state ...
27 October 17
Academics Without Borders is a volunteer driven NGO, implementing vital, practical projects to strengthen higher education in developing countries so that they have the skilled professionals, such as nurses, teachers, doctors, engineers and computer scientists to build a brighter future. This helps to improve healthcare, education, inclusion and infrastructure. 'The future is already here, it is just not evenly distributed' – ...
05 October 17
Budd Hall is the Joint UNESCO Chair in Community-Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education, and an ACU Engage Community Steering Committee member. In May this year, he attended the Confluence 2017 International Transformative event – a major project for the Chair over the past five years. Here, Professor Hall talks about the event and the role of Indigenous knowledge in the world. The Mpambo Afrikan ...
13 September 17
ACU HR in HE Community member Rajendram Logendra, Deputy Registrar at the University of Colombo, has just returned from an enriching work shadowing visit to various ACU member universities in Canada, hosted by the University of Waterloo. Georgina Nicoli, ACU Member Engagement Coordinator, spoke to Mr Logendra following these visits to find out what he has learnt and gained from this unique cross-cultural experience. Tell us about ...
08 August 17
Nothing appeared in big bold letters on the screen as the audience tapped their interactive Wordcloud devices. We were in the centre of London at the Going Global conference this May, asking a panel of experts from London and Paris institutions to consider the Paris-London higher education scene leading up to and beyond Brexit. To open the debate – and in an attempt to find positive outcomes – we asked the audience to ...
07 August 17
July 2017 saw the launch of the Scholarship Program Research Network (SPRN), an informal virtual community that aims to bring together individuals who study and evaluate scholarship programmes (both international and domestic). The purpose of the SPRN is to connect individuals and organisations across sectoral and geographic divides, share resources, and facilitate opportunities for future exchange and collaboration. The Network ...
04 August 17
Ninety nine years ago the ACU played a small but significant role in establishing the first British doctorates. A century on, the statistics show that they are more popular than ever with students. In the UK, at least, completion rates have risen markedly in recent decades. About time, you might feel. Of my cohort of Research Council sponsored doctoral researchers in the 1980’s, only 11% completed within four years. I wasn ...
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