Developing the Capacity of Early Career Researchers

University of Johannesburg, South Africa | 18-19 March 2019

Early career researchers and academics are crucial for the future of our universities. They represent the next generation of teaching staff and are a valuable resource which needs to be nurtured and developed.

The challenge for universities is to create an environment enabling these early career researchers to thrive. Soaring enrolment has placed unprecedented pressures on many universities, leaving emerging academics struggling with heavy teaching and administrative workloads. 

Organised in partnership with Universities South Africa (USAf), this event will explore the challenges facing universities in this area and provide insights into the ACU's work supporting the development of early career academics.

With discussions taking place over the course of two days, this event will bring together academics from across Africa with policymakers and other key stakeholders to identify best practice, develop recommendations and spark new initiatives to support early career academics in South Africa and beyond.


The ACU has a proud track record of working with universities and other partners to find innovative ways to support the development of early career academics, including training and development for researchers and strengthening the institutional systems which underpin this.

In collaboration with 

Universities South Africa

Hosted by 

University of Johannesburg