The theme

Designing and creating sustainable communities 

In this age of climate change and global warming, it is important for every person to be smarter earth citizens, learning how to manage the world's resources in a sustainable manner. Accelerated globalisation and privatisation have produced socio-economically polarised spaces, rendering diverse socio-economic groups differential rights to use urban spaces.

Many urban communities have tried to search for sustainable development pathways that will boost their socio-economic and environmental capital. Such endeavours require a transdisciplinary approach to identify the multifaceted urban issues and formulate sustainable solutions, including planning and design frameworks.


Designing and creating sustainable communities requires resources. Some resources allow open access, such as air; others may be of limited access; and some are regulated for collective use. We can call these resources our 'commons'. It would be impossible to build a sustainable community if all resources were privatised or commodified.

During the Summer School, participants will learn to identify and conserve our common resources in the urban realm. The focus will be on creating more commons for collective use, to improve the environment and build sustainable communities for the flourishing of humanity.

The programme has been carefully designed to reflect the international nature of the event. Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences from their home countries and to reflect on how the knowledge gained during the School can be applied in their local context when they return home.