Below we have answers to the questions that we are most frequently asked. If you have additional questions not answered on the website, please send these in a separate e-mail to [email protected]

How many places will be available at the Residential School?

We expect 60 places to be available.

Who is eligible to attend the School?

The School is open to those undertaking postgraduate study at any Commonwealth university. Participants can be undertaking Masters or doctoral level degrees. Priority will be given to candidates who are studying at a university which is a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities. In the event that some places are still available at the closing date, applications will be considered from students at non-ACU institutions, but these places will incur a higher cost.

Are there special arrangements for current Commonwealth and Chevening Scholars?

Yes.  A number of places have been reserved for current Commonwealth Scholarship holders in the UK, and current Chevening Scholars from Commonwealth countries.  If this applies to you, you should contact your Programme Officer at the ACU for further details. These places will be allocated separately, and you will be informed of this separately.

How can I find out whether my University is a member of the ACU?

A list of all current ACU members can be found here: https://www.acu.ac.uk/membership/acu-members/

When will the School convene?

The School commences in the late afternoon of Thursday August 8th, and will conclude after lunch on Monday August 12th 2013.

What is the cost of attendance?

The cost is £350, which includes accommodation (in shared rooms), all meals at the conference venue and conference registration.

What bursaries are available?

The Association of Commonwealth Universities is offering two types of bursary. Full bursaries cover the full cost of attending the School, including economy class return air fares between the participant's home country and the School. Partial bursaries require candidates to travel to London at their own cost, but include all costs of the conference itself.     

The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission and Chevening Scholarships Secretariat will be making special arrangements for their Scholars. 

Can I apply for more than one type of bursary?

No. You should indicate on the application form whether you wish to apply for a full or a partial bursary. We are keen that full bursaries are reserved for candidates who would not otherwise be able to attend, and who have not had the opportunity to travel internationally previously.

If I am not applying for a bursary, can I reserve a place now?

No. Even if you intend to be a self-financing participant you must still complete the application form. If your application is successful, you will be notified and an invoice for attendance issued at that point.

What format will the School take?

The School will challenge participants to think about what the world will be like in a hundred years’ time, and think of ways in which we can prepare for this. A wide range of topics will be covered, including the environment, international development, science and technology, gender, culture and language and religion. The event will be highly participative. Participants will be divided into groups, which will each present their policy manifestos at the end of the School, and a ‘government for 2113’ will be elected!

Speakers will include leading figures in UK universities and Commonwealth organisations. It is expected that the programme will be announced on the ACU web site in early March.

How can I get to Cumberland Lodge?

Travel directions will be sent to successful applicants in advance. For those who are travelling from other parts of the UK, Cumberland Lodge is a short taxi ride from Egham main line station. If sufficient numbers wish to travel from London, it may also be possible to organise a coach from the ACU offices in Tavistock Square. For those travelling internationally, pick ups can be arranged from Heathrow Airport, which is about fifteen minutes from the venue.  These will be included as part of the bursary for ACU bursary holders.

Where can I find more about the location?

Cumberland Lodge is a historic royal hunting lodge, set in the beautiful surroundings of Windsor Great Park. It is also about fifteen minutes drive from London Heathrow Airport.  Further details can be found at www.cumberland.lodge.ac.uk

Will I need a visa to enter the UK?

Yes. All participants travelling from outside the UK will require an appropriate visa. It is your responsibility to obtain these, and an application should be made as soon as you are notified that you have been offered a place. For those receiving full bursaries, the cost of their visa will be refunded as part of the bursary. In the event of a candidate not being able to obtain a visa, their place at the School and any bursary will be withdrawn. 

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