Costs, bursaries and visa information

Registration fee

The cost of the summer school is £250 for students from ACU member institutions and £350 for students from other Commonwealth universities. This includes registration, accommodation (in same sex shared rooms), travel and transport during the summer school (but not travel to the summer school), all meals at the conference venue and airport transfer on arrival (limited availability) to the venue.


Bursaries are only available to candidates who are studying at ACU member institutions, who have not previously travelled outside their home region

A limited number of both full and partial bursaries are available:

  • Full bursaries cover the programme registration fee, accommodation, return, flights to and from Rwanda, as well as most meals.
  • Partial bursaries cover the registration fee, accommodation, and most meals but excludes flights.

Bursaries do not cover the costs of visas, insurance, vaccinations or travel to and from the delegate's home airport and delegates are responsible for ensuring they have these covered before the start of the programme.


Delegates are responsible for ensuring they have the correct visa to enter Rwanda. Information on visa requirements can be found here and by looking on the Rwandan government's website

A yellow fever vaccination certificate is also required for all nationals entering Rwanda.


Contact us

E: [email protected]