
ACU's HRM and PR, Marketing and Communications Network Conference
Venue: Safari Court Hotel Conference Centre, Windhoek, Namibia

Conference Theme:  'Realising Dreams  -  Personal, Institutional, Global'

Sunday 14 October 2012

1000-1230 &1400-1700

REGISTRATION at the Safari Court Hotel Conference Centre


Welcome Reception:  Namibian Sundowners by the Pool 

Monday 15 October 2012





Master of Ceremonies:  Edwin Tjiramba, Director of Communications, University of Namibia

Keynote Speaker:  Professor Brian O'Connell, Rector and Vice-Chancellor, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
Topic: Priorities of the Institution: HR or PR: where is the balance?


Refreshments and Networking


Plenary 1:  Realising the Dream of Personal and Professional Development

Liz Baré, HR Global Innovations and LH Martin Institute of Higher Education Leadership and Management, Australia

SpeakerDorothy K Gordon, Director General, Advanced Information Technology Institute - Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT, Ghana


Lunch and Networking


Concurrent Discussion / Workshop / Case Study Sessions

Discussion Papers 1 (HRM):

Chair:  Eileen Knight, University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago

  • Leadership and Team Visioning – background and a process, Dave van Eeden, Global HR Innovations, South Africa
  • Realising Personal and Institutional Dreams – the role of university staff unions in institutional and human resource wellness and management, Professor Johan Grobbelaar, Anita Lombard and David Mocwana, University of the Free State, South Africa

Workshop 1 (HRM)

HR Strategies to Train and Develop the Next Generation of Early Career Researchers, Ellen Pearce, Vitae and CRAC, United Kingdom

Workshop 2 (PR)

The role of alumni relations in higher education: Lessons learnt and global best practices, Bev Witten, Director: Alumni Relations, Stellenbosch University, South Africa


Refreshments and Networking


Plenary 2.i:  Realising the Dream of Institutional Development

Chair:  Carol Gunn, University of Waikato, New Zealand

Speaker:  Jon Baldwin, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Professional Services), Murdoch University, Australia
Topic:  Developing people and building reputation:  strategies for institutional development


Dinner at Joe's Beer House

Tuesday 16 October 2012


Concurrent Discussion / Workshop / Case Study Sessions

Discussion Papers 2 (HRM)

Chair:  Roz Grimmitt, Association of Commonwealth Universities

  • Health and Wellness Programs: supporting the university communityProfessor Angela Hildyard, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Implementing Health and Wellbeing Programs, Dr Annette Prins, University of the Free State, South Africa
  • Implications of the Psychological Contract in the Workplace: perspectives from an African University, Jennifer C Nzonzo, University of Botswana

Discussion Papers 3 (PR)

Chair:  Joy Dickenson, University of the West Indies, Jamaica

  • PR – the power is in your hands, Felix Moyo, National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
  • Building the university’s reputation by achieving successful research uptake and utilisation: The vital role of the PR, media and communications officer, Linda Cilliers, Organisation Systems Design and DRUSSA (Development Research Up-take in Sub-Saharan Africa), South Africa
  • More Than Just Another Retail Store – what does increased university shop turnover say about the development of an institutional brand? Baakier Abrahams and Paul Geswindt, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa
  • Unclassified Information Dissemination in Tertiary Institutions:  the social media option, Emilomo Joy Alawode, Federal University of Agriculture, Abokuta, Nigeria


Refreshments and Networking


Plenary 2:ii:  Realising the Dream of Institutional Development

Chair:  Paul Geswindt, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa

SpeakerProfessor John Catford, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Vice-President, Deakin University, Australia
Topic: Digital disruption: seizing the opportunities of new and emerging technologies in the brave new world of higher education


Lunch and Networking


Concurrent Discussion / Workshop / Case Study Sessions

Discussion Papers 4 (HRM)

Chair:  Raymond Eytle, University of the West Indies, Jamaica

  • Improving the Human Resource Function in a Private University: the case of Uganda Christian University (UCU), Anny Katabaazi and Isaac Wasswa Katono, Uganda Christian University, Uganda
  • Optimizing Leadership in the Post Secondary Context, Professor Angela Hildyard and Professor Edith Hillan, University of Toronto

Discussion Session (PR), led by Paul Geswindt, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa, and members of the PR Network Steering Committee:
Making the Network work for you


Refreshments, Networking and free time until Dinner


Banquet and PR Awards at the Windhoek Country Club

Wednesday 17 October 2012


Plenary 3:  Realising the Dream of Globalisation

Chair:  Lourens Geyer, University of the Free State, South Africa

Speaker: Nicolene Murdoch, Executive Director: Teaching, Learning & Quality, Monash South Africa to speak on behalf of Professor Tyrone Pretorius, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Monash South Africa
Topic:  International campuses as an exemplar of international education


Refreshments and Networking


Concurrent Discussion / Workshop / Case Study Sessions

Discussion Papers 5 (HRM)

Chair:  Professor Annél Van Aswegen, University of Pretoria, South Africa

  • Are University’s Human Resource Management Departments Strategically Aligned to the University’s Strategic Plan?, Eileen Knight, University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago
  • Thinking Skills, the Missing Link to Improve Performance, Dr Renalde Huysamen, University of the Free State, South Africa
  • Boundless Creativity: recruiting faculty in an international academic market, Professor Edith M Hillan, University of Toronto, Canada

Workshop 4 (HRM)

Achievement of Dreams Requires a Dream HR Department: assessing the effectiveness of  HR function
Facilitators:  Elizabeth Baré, HR Global Innovations and LH Martin Institute of Higher Education Leadership and Management, Australia and Dave van Eeden, HR Global Innovations, South Africa

Workshop 5 (PR)

Social Media: current trends
Facilitator:  Tom Wright, Digital Engagement Manager, University of Nottingham, UK


Lunch and Networking


Closing Session:  Moving Forward  -  What challenges await?

Moderator:  Ms Alison Johns, Head of Leadership, Governance and Management, Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)




Dinner at Heja Game Lodge

More links

Human Resources Network

PR network