Join us

As the oldest international university network in the world, the ACU has been serving its members for more than 100 years. With over 500 members, we are rapidly expanding to be fully representative of the range of public and private universities throughout the Commonwealth.

The ACU is proud to be able to draw on its own and its members' experience and expertise in the planning and introduction of new and innovative programmes that continue to meet the needs of higher education, now and into the future. As higher education becomes ever more international, the benefits of ACU membership are greater now than at any time in its 100-year history.

To become a member, please refer to our membership criteria to check if your institution is eligible. If you are confident that your institution fulfils the criteria, please complete and submit an application form, along with the required supporting documentation. 

We look forward to hearing from you.

Photo from the ACU Centenary Conference, London (16-18 October 2013)


Contact us

T: +44 (0)20 7380 6700
F: +44 (0)20 7387 2655
E: [email protected]