Membership criteria

Membership criteria are set to ensure that universities within ACU membership are committed to the mission, vision and values of the ACU, as well as a steadfast belief in education, social responsibility, international development, and collaboration with other like-minded institutions.

Full members

  • Must be legally incorporated and situated in the Commonwealth (unless they have chosen to remain in membership when their country withdraws or is removed from the Commonwealth)
  • Must be approved by the appropriate government authority to provide higher education
  • Must be approved by the appropriate government authority to award their own degrees
  • Must have at least 250 full-time equivalent students (50% of whom must be studying at first or higher degree level)
  • Must have graduated at least one cohort of students

Associate members1

  • Must be legally incorporated and situated in the Commonwealth (unless they have chosen to remain in membership when their country withdraws or is removed from the Commonwealth)
  • Will normally be university colleges, colleges of universities, or other higher education institutions whose students may be awarded the degrees of another institution under a franchise, licence or other collaborative agreement. The degree-awarding institution itself must be located in the Commonwealth and eligible for full membership of the ACU
  • Must be approved by the appropriate government authority to provide higher education
  • Must have at least 250 full-time equivalent students (50% of whom must be studying at first or higher degree level)
  • Must have graduated at least one cohort of students

1 Associate members are not eligible to vote at General Meetings or participate in elections for the ACU Council or its officers.


Contact us

T: +44 (0)20 7380 6700
F: +44 (0)20 7387 2655
E: [email protected]