• How many places will be available at the Summer School?

There are 80 places available to students of Commonwealth universities.

  • Who is eligible to attend the School?

The School is open to those in their final year of undergraduate (with intention to go on to post-graduate studies), undertaking Masters or doctoral level degrees at any university in the Commonwealth. Priority will be given to candidates who are studying at ACU member universities. In the event that some non-bursary places are still available by the closing date, applications will be considered from students at non-ACU institutions, at a higher non-member rate.

  • How can I find out whether my University is a member of the ACU?

A list of all current ACU members can be found here: www.acu.ac.uk/membership/acu-members/

  • Will I need a visa to travel to Canada?

Citizens of certain countries and territories need a visa to visit Canada. Find out if you need a visa (and how to apply) on this link: www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/visas.asp

  • When will the School convene?

The School commences on the Saturday August 15 and will conclude the evening of the August 22 2015; so flights should be booked to depart August 23.

  • What is the cost of attendance?

The cost of the programme is £350 for participants from member universities and £500 for non-member delegates. This includes accommodation (in same sex shared rooms), all meals at the conference venue and conference registration.

  • What bursaries are available?

The Association of Commonwealth Universities is offering two types of bursary for students from member universities only. Please note that students of Canadian member institutions are only permitted to apply for partial bursaries.

Full bursaries include return economy air travel to Toronto and registration fees, accommodation and most meals. They do not include the cost of visas, vaccinations or transfer costs to and from airports. 

Partial bursaries may be used towards registration fees (as outlined above) or travel. They cannot be put towards visa, vaccinations costs or additional costs.

Full bursaries are very limited in number and should only be sought by candidates who are very unlikely to be able to raise their travel costs from any other source.

  • Can I apply for more than one type of bursary? 

No. You should indicate on the application form whether you wish to apply for a full or a partial bursary. We are keen that full bursaries are reserved for candidates from member universities who would not otherwise be able to attend, and who have not had the opportunity to travel internationally previously.

  • If I am not applying for a bursary, can I reserve a place now?

No. Even if you intend to be a self-financing participant you must still complete the application form. If your application is successful, you will be notified and an invoice for attendance issued at that point.

  • What format will the School take?

The School aims to challenge participants to think and work together to tackle the issues around big data. The school is highly interactive with many opportunities to engage with other students, faculty and workshop leaders exploring the issue and themes addressed.

A wide range of topics will be covered. The Summer School will be completely hands-on. 

Participants will be divided into working groups with a facilitator who will help guide their final presentation and position paper. Workshops throughout the week will look at intercultural communications, poster design, critical thinking and team building.

Speakers will include leading figures from the Commonwealth and beyond. It is expected that speakers will be announced on the ACU web site in late March/early April.

  • When is the application deadline?

Applications should be received by 00.00 BST on Friday 1 May 2015. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered. Successful applicants will be notified by (latest) end of June 2014.

This page will be expanded with further frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions, please email [email protected]