Strategic positioning of HR in Nigerian higher education institutions

Strategic positioning of HR in Nigerian higher education institutions

Published on 20 October 2017

The ACU HR in HE Community delivered a workshop last week to 30 senior human resources professionals working in Nigerian universities, to demonstrate the importance of strategic positioning of HR in higher education institutions.

The workshop was hosted at the University of Lagos on 13 October as part of the 12th Annual Retreat of the Association of Registrars of Nigerian Universities (ARNU). It was made up of presentations by Jennifer Ellis (Chair of the ACU HR in HE Community) and Tarrance Ryder-Downes (ACU Head of HR), followed by vibrant discussion.

Participants were invited to examine the higher education environment locally, regionally and globally to gain an understanding of common trends, key issues and challenges and implications for institutions.

The universities represented were an eclectic mix of new and old, private and public, from the north and south of the country, which made for interesting debates and enhanced the sharing of knowledge and practices.

Jennifer Ellis went on to run a similar workshop for senior university officials at Obafemi Awolowo University in Ile-Ife.

The ACU HR in HE Community is one of four ACU Member Communities – special interest groups open to all staff at ACU member institutions. This Community brings together university staff working in HR (from the most experienced HR directors to those looking to increase, expand or develop the HR function) to share their experiences, explore ideas, and discover potential avenues for collaboration.

To find out more and join the ACU HR in HE Community, visit or email [email protected]