Bulletin - new issue

Bulletin - new issue

Published on 12 April 2018

The latest issue of Bulletin – the ACU’s magazine for its members – is out now. Inside you'll find insightful features from a range of contributors.

Dr Joanna Newman reveals why universities need to be both robust and agile especially in uncertain times.

Jeremy Collymore reports on the launch of the Climate Resilience Network and how universities are working together to combat the effects of climate change.

A CIRCLE fellow from Ghana writes about her work, explaining how the ACU-led CIRCLE project aims to tackle the shortage of African researchers working in climate change research. 

 Also in this issue:

  • What happened when students from 20 countries came together to explore ways to promote intercultural understanding
  • With many factors influencing academic achievement in the final years of school, can more diverse university selection processes open up higher education to a wider group of students?
  • Universities in India and South Africa tell us how they’re preparing their students for the changing world of work
  • And much more…

The Bulletin is ACU's free magazine for members. It is published three times per year and circulated to member universities.

Image credit: NASA/NOAA/UW-CIMSS