New website for Publishers for Development

Published on 07 July 2011

Publishers for Development (PfD), a joint initiative of the ACU and INASP (the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications), has launched its new website.

The website features a discussion group, news, events and publications – including copies of the regular PfD members’ newsletters and a new series of case studies on new ways to support southern access. There are also details of the Publishers for Development 2011 conference, 'Getting Research to Researchers in Developing Countries: The complex picture of availability, access and use'.

The website is intended to be both a source of information and a forum to facilitate discussion. The PfD team welcomes comments, which can be posted directly in response to each item, as well as external news items and information highlighting publishers’ activities and initiatives to support developing country access and use.

For more information, contact [email protected]