New destinations for Commonwealth Scholarships

New destinations for Commonwealth Scholarships

Published on 22 March 2013

Students in Commonwealth countries can choose from a new range of destinations for postgraduate study, thanks to new scholarships announced under the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP).

Scholarships are available during 2013-2014 for Master’s study in eight low and middle income Commonwealth countries, including Cameroon, Kenya, Mauritius, South Africa, the University of the South Pacific, Sri Lanka, Swaziland and Tanzania. Two of these countries – Cameroon and Swaziland – will be hosting their first-ever Commonwealth Scholars.

According to Dr John Kirkland, Deputy Secretary General of the ACU, which has been largely responsible for this new initiative, these scholarships recognise the increased ability of universities in many parts of the Commonwealth to host international students. ‘Many of these universities now offer specific courses that would enhance the experience of students from any Commonwealth country’, he said. ’40 years ago, it was surprisingly common for students from developed countries to study for qualifications in African countries. We want to see these opportunities return.’

The new scholarships are funded by the CSFP endowment fund, raised by the ACU and the Commonwealth Secretariat following the 2009 Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers. The fund aims to make the CSFP truly Commonwealth-wide, and has attracted donations from around 200 former Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows, and 12 governments. Scholarships supported by the fund are offered in addition to the substantial numbers of Commonwealth Scholarships funded by governments such as India, New Zealand, Malaysia, and the United Kingdom.

Further information on the scholarships, including details of how to apply, is available on the CSFP website.

Tags: Commonwealth