Applications for 2015 Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships open

Applications for 2015 Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships open

Published on 17 October 2014

If you are a student undertaking a PhD at a university in a developing Commonwealth country and your university or department has links with a counterpart in the UK, you may be able to apply for a Commonwealth Split-site Scholarship to spend up to one year of your PhD study at a UK university.

Up to 18 Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships are being offered by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK for the 2015-2016 academic year. Eligibility criteria apply, and support is required from both the home supervisor and the proposed supervisor in the UK. Applications must be made directly to the CSC – the deadline is 3 December 2014

For further information and details of how to apply, visit the CSC website.

Image used is of Sameera Arshad, a 2009 Commonwealth Split-site Scholar from Pakistan