
The ACU produces a wide range of publications on HE-related topics, all of which are available free of charge to our members. Selected reports and papers are available to all.


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  • ACU Spotlight No 2 - Building university partnerships for sustainable development Reports
  • Part of the ACU Spotlight series of briefing papers on international HE matters. Interuniversity partnerships in lower- and middle-income countries are increasingly recognised for their potential to address development challenges. This has opened a space for the ACU to play a facilitating and supporting role in helping to broker strong, effective partnerships that address development challenges and to identify good practice in partnerships. In turning towards such work, key questions arise: what is needed for developing country HEIs to better access project funding? How might the sustainability of projects be best improved? And how can joint ownership of projects with Southern partners be strengthened?
  • Liam Roberts Sarah Hinz
  • December 2011
  • Africa Unit collaboration DelPHE development sustainable
  • ACU Spotlight No 1 - Access to research in east and southern African universities Reports
  • Part of the ACU Spotlight series of briefing papers on international HE matters. Many universities in east and southern Africa have impressive online journal collections, but this is rarely the perception of researchers and students, who report that poor access hinders their work. What explains this mismatch, and how can it be addressed? This paper explores the threefold challenge of availability, access, and use of online journals, and considers the interrelated issues of technology, awareness, skills, and campus relationships to understand how access and use can be strengthened. It draws on research at four universities in the region, but its findings have wider relevance for universities across the continent.
  • Jonathan Harle
  • July 2011
  • access Africa Arcadia research
  • Research management