Favourable areas

Economic policy in Assen focuses on four favourable area’s:

  • sensor technology
  • health care
  • energy and sustainability
  • tourism and recreation


Sensor technology offers many opportunities. Assen takes a leading position in developing new applications for infrastructure, healthcare and energy. We are realising a vast measurement network that will provide the input for a traffic control system. The system will also reduce environmental pollution caused by traffic. The Hanze Institute of Technology and science institute INCAS3 boost these innovations.


A quarter of our working population finds a job in health care. The city disposes of a regional hospital, psychiatric institutes, and offers health care for the handicapped and the elderly. Besides, various private centres take care of your wellbeing.


The presence of NAM stimulates the energy sector in Assen. NAM and Gasunie in Groningen together initiate innovation and education. The application of sensor technology creates  opportunities for sustainable use of energy, which is a favourite development in an era of rising energy costs.


The combination of an attractive and compact city centre with the national park Drentsche Aa yearly attracts large numbers of visitors. We are continuously investing in the city centre. The coming years, the accessibility of the city centre will be further improved. You will enjoy shopping in the compact city centre with its various shops and take a break in one of the bars or restaurants. Or you might visit one of the prestigious sports and cultural events, like the TT races at the end of  June with over 100.000 visitors. In the run-up to the races there are three days of festivities. Meadows around the city are transformed into campsites to host visitors from all over Europe. You can swim and surf at the Baggelhuizerplas lake or try your skills at the 27-holes golf course.