Local and international contacts

More information?

Please read International Policy Assen (Only available in Dutch). Annual work plans are the foundation of our international activities. You find these annual work plans in the annex.

PDFInternational Policy Assen (1,3MB).pdf


Organised in a park management group they take care for the business parks. All entrepreneurs contribute to the business fund, established to strengthen the investment climate. Various business clubs stimulate the exchange of know-how and experience. They also stand for their members interest.


The municipality of Assen maintains durable international contacts. Our goal is to uphold the quality of our own society, as well as the quality of societies across the Dutch border. The association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG) appointed Assen as ‘Millennium Municipality’. This title is awarded to our municipality, because we clearly contribute to issues like fighting hunger and poverty, education about HIV/Aids and promoting fair trade. The municipality of Assen would like social organisations, but also you as a citizen, to feel involved in our international activities. We give you an overview of our starting points and activities.



  • Ideological: offering help
  • Administrative-organizational: learning and gaining experience
  • Economical: creating and using economical opportunities


  • Poznań, Poland - Our first partner city is Poznań. This city is in population the fifth city of Poland. Poznań is a major commercial and industrial city. The municipalities Assen and Poznań work together on economic projects.
  • Nordconnect - The municipality of Assen explores opportunities and possibilities of cooperation in Nordconnect context. Nordconnect is part of the Cooperation Northern Netherlands (Dutch abbreviation: SSN). Nordconnect focuses on countries in North Eastern Europe.
  • Flexible projects - We are flexible with options for temporary international cooperation, which offer opportunities for municipal purposes. For flexible projects, we make maximum use of Dutch and European subsidies.