By train, car or bus

You can get to Assen by car by a variety of routes. There are three exits to Assen on the A28, the motorway between Groningen and Zwolle. You can reach the town from the direction of Veendam on motorway N33 and from the direction of Rolde on motorway N376. If you are coming from the direction of Smilde, you can drive into Assen on the N371.


Public transport

Assen is directly connected to the Groningen-Zwolle rail line. There is a connection in both directions three times in every hour. Two of these trains stop at local stations and one is an intercity service. Assen is a meeting point for regional bus routes. The district busses connect the town with centres surrounding it. All regional routes connect with train services at the NS [National Railways] station. Some regional busses also have routes through Assen's shopping centre.