Your business in Assen

Assen, your first choice!

Assen’s investment climate is attractive and offers variety. As the southern portal of the urban network Groningen-Assen the capital of Drenthe is the gateway to a region with around 500.000 inhabitants. Living conditions in and around Assen are excellent and various. All amenities are available yet beautiful nature is at walking distance. Assen is easily accessible with direct links to important economic centres in the Netherlands and Northeast Europe. The city is eager to assist new or existing entrepreneurs. We will help you to find staff, a location or arrange procedures and explore subsidies. Please contact economic affairs for information and assistance.


With its selection of shops, its hospital, the museum, its harbour in the city centre and soon a brand new theatre with various cinema’s and stages, offers you anything you might expect from a modern city. The nine districts have their own shopping and community centres, schools, sport accommodations and playing fields. The city offers a wide range of housing and you can rent or buy at every price level.

Parking and accessibility

The city centre is well known for its excellent parking facility. You don’t have to spend much time to find a parking place in one of the parking garages or along the streets. Parking rates are the cheapest but one in the Netherlands. If that is still too expensive, you might park on the free Veemarktterein, a 5 minutes walk from the city centre. Assen is well-accessible by car, train, bus or bike. Three times an hour you can board the train for Groningen or the urban agglomeration of Western Holland. Assen is situated at a junction of  roads giving you access to North Germany and Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam or Utrecht.

Local and international partners in business

Entrepreneurs in Assen work together on many aspects and the municipality of Assen maintains durable international contacts. We can help to get you in contact with local and international partners.

Economic movements: Sensor, sustainability, health care, tourism

Economic policy in Assen focuses on four favourable areas: sensor technology, sustainable energy, health care, tourism and recreation.