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English - Welcome to Zeist (introduction)

Welcome to the website for the municipality of Zeist. Here you can find some information about the municipal organization, services and products.


Zeist is located in the middle of the Netherlands and has a rich inheritance of country estates, country manors, historical buildings and scenic beauty. Because Zeist is committed to preserving this cultural and historical character, and to retaining, as much as possible, this parkland and scenic beauty, its rich inheritance will remain important in the future. Zeist is a medium-sized town (of the approximately 500 municipalities in the Netherlands, Zeist is the 53rd) with a modern infrastructure and direct connections with the large cities such as Utrecht, Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam. Because of its advantageous location in the middle of the Netherlands, Zeist is especially suitable for the business-oriented service sector. National and international oriented companies and organizations have established themselves in Zeist, including the KNVB (Dutch Royal Football Federation), WWF (the World Wildlife Fund), and the Dutch Society for the Protection of Birds (Vogelbescherming Nederland) .

Zeist also has a well equipped modern shopping center with shops of diverse allure, a swimming complex, the Zeist Castle, Het Slot Zeist which retains its design from the 17th century architect Roman, and a large diversity of both accommodations and conference facilities. Where is the City Hall, the hospital, the cemetary, the swimming pool, etc.? See: Google Maps

In addition Zeist offers many opportunities for recreation and tourism.


