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Background information

Zeist has a population of approximately 60,000 and is the largest city on the Utrecht range of hills. The municipality includes the city of Zeist and the towns of Austerlitz, Huis ter Heide, Bosch en Duin, and Den Dolder.

Zeist is a very popular location to live with a large demand and relatively small supply of homes. Only limited possibilities exist for building within or outside of the city limits of Zeist. In that sense, Zeist is not a growing community. The opportunities to build must be found within a healthy balance between the existing green character and the urban areas. At the same time, it is Zeist’s policy to give young families the opportunity to move to or remain in Zeist.


Zeist has multiple educational facilities and services ranging from primary to higher education and from public to special education. In addition, the Utrecht university complex is located a few kilometers outside of Zeist.

The unemployment rate in Zeist is below the national average. Many people find work in the business-oriented service sector.


Zeist’s affluent image makes it an interesting location for organizations and businesses to establish a main or branch office. A number of them, including the regoinal broadcasting company, are established in stately buildings of distinction.


The mayor and aldermen have presented a future vision in a position paper, ‘Zeist Simultaan’ (Zeist Simultaneous). In the position paper they emphasized that Zeist will continue to take advantage of her image as a top location to establish high quality services.


