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Contact information


The municipality organization has two main locations. The city hall, the mayor, the council and commissioners and their support teams are located on “Het Rond 1”.

Mailing address

Gemeente Zeist

Postbus 513

3700 AM Zeist

telephone 14 030

fax (030) 6914944

e-mail address: [email protected]

Street address and municipal building


Het Rond 1

3701 HS Zeist

District teams

Zeist City Center

(Carré, Centrumschil zuid, Centrumschil noord, Lyceumkwartier, Slot) every Wednesday from 15:30 – 16:30, location: Het Poortgebouw, Bergweg 21-23, telephone: 06-5269 6902


Den Dolder 

(Den Dolder, Huis ter Heide en Bosch & Duin) every Thursday from 15:30 – 16:30, location: Brede School 'de Schilden', Schroeder van der Kolklaan 1, telephone: 06-2744 4869


Zeist East and Austerlitz

(Austerlitz, Hoge Dennen, Kerckebosch) every Wednesday from 09:30 – 10:30, Wijkinformatiepunt, location: Graaf Lodewijklaan 15. telephone: 06-5269 7130


Zeist West

(Griffensteijn, Kersbergen, Nijenheim, Crosestein, De Clomp, Brugakker, Vogelwijk, Couwenhoven, Blikkenburg, Weidegebied) every Thursday from 14:00 – 15:00, location: 't  Hollebloc, De Clomp 33-04 ('t Hollebloc). telephone: 06-5269 7186


Zeist North

(Vollenhove, Dijnselburg, Patijnpark, Staatsliedenkwartier, Mooi Zeist, Utrechtseweg, Dicthersbuurt, Componistenbuurt, Indische buurt en Verzetswijk) every Wednesday from 09:30 – 10:30, Wijkservicepunt Noord, location: Johan van Oldenbarneveltlaan 103, telephone: 030-699 4632  


